
The Power of Resilience

Bouncing Back Stronger: The Power of Resilience

April 10, 20243 min read

Resilience is like your inner spring - no matter how much you're pushed down; you always find a way to spring back up. It is the superpower we all have within us, allowing us to bounce back from challenges, setbacks, and adversity, stronger and more determined than before. We can feel the fear and take action regardless. As Nelson Mandela reminds us: “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid but he who conquers that fear.”

I believe you are reading this because public speaking is or maybe was a terrifying experience for you. Early in my career, I was afraid too. Yet I didn’t let that fear stop me from entering a speech contest, certain I’d take home first prize. Part of the feedback I received from one of the judges was, “You had a death grip on the podium. Did you think it was going to run away?” Needless to say, I did not win that day. However, I didn’t let that stop me. I incorporated the feedback and searched for opportunities to learn and grow.

Fast forward to the work I’m doing now. One of the most important things I have learned is failure is not fatal when we learn how to be resilient. It is the essence of the proverb fall down seven times stand up eight. We can learn from our mistakes, adjust, and move on. One of the actions I recommend to anyone who wants to improve their speaking skills is joining Toastmasters. Each week members have the opportunity to give a speech and refine their skills using the constructive feedback received from the group. It is the repetitive design inherent in the meeting that creates improvement. Give a speech, get feedback, give another speech, get more feedback. Learning and growing are resilient in action.

Life ebbs and flows and sometimes throws us a lot of challenges all at once. Times when our product launches tanks, a family member becomes seriously ill, the roof leaks and needs repair, the list could go on and on. It is in these times we wonder why we started to build a business in the first place. It is in these times we need to rely on the methods of resilience we’ve put in place to be our own best friend and find the inner strength to continue. Gently encourage yourself to move forward, bit by bit toward your goals.

Your inner spring will get stronger and stronger the more you step into your fear. Learning and practicing mindfulness, meditation and breathing techniques are all tools you can use to strengthen the ability to bounce back. What I’ve discovered is if I win the morning I win the day. A morning ritual that includes yoga, gratitude, and inspirational reading gives me a strong foundation on which to build each day. Then I use a combination of mindfulness and breathing throughout my day to stay focused. I’ve set a reminder on my smartphone to go off 3 times during the day that simply says: Be Here Now. Remember, focus on what is within your control and let go of everything else. Just like anything else in life, resilience is built by taking steps each day to manage stress and create the life you love.

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