

Tired of Networking Fails? Here's the Fix.

November 04, 20242 min read

There are three ways that you can grow your business. Number one, cold calling, number two, advertising, and number three, word of mouth AKA networking. Now, I am not a big fan of cold calling, and if you are and you've mastered that technique, there's no need to read any further. And if you have dollars to invest in advertising over the long term, you probably don't need this message either.

Networking is a great way to meet new people, reconnect with old friends and spread the word about your business. Sometimes people tell me networking just doesn't work. If that is the case it is probably for one of two reasons.  Is your right fit client in that room? And does your networking intro have people saying something like “That’s interesting how do you do that? I want to learn more.” What I've discovered is most people introduce themselves using their job title or profession and the name of their business. An elevator pitch like that is boring and frankly, no one cares. What they want to know is what you can do for them. After all everyone’s favorite radio station is WIIFM. What's In It For Me? That's what we are listening for in every conversation.

There's a traditional way you can introduce yourself. You start by saying your name and your business and then a little bit more about the problem you solve and who you're looking to be connected with. For example, here's what my intro would sound like. Hi, my name is Leslie Fiorenzo, and I get hired by coaches who struggle with self-promotion because they fear public speaking, getting on camera, or talking about themselves at networking events. I help them build their ability to speak confidently about their business in any setting. A good connection for me is, and then I'll fill in the blank with the name of the person I'm looking to meet. I've also done my research, so I know there's a good probability of someone in that room knowing this person that I'm looking to connect with.

The second way is to ask a question. You know how public speaking is the number one fear most people have? Well, what I do is help my clients get over that fear and captivate their audience in a way that brings them more business.

The third method I recommend people use is to fulfill a desire. I help my clients move from anxious to awesome when speaking in front of people about their business.

If your networking efforts aren’t working for you, we should talk. I recently launched a 90-minute program. There's 30 minutes of pre work done by you and then a 60-minute conversation with me to help you create that powerful 60-second intro. Click here to book a call today to see if this a good fit for you.

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Leslie C Fiorenzo

Leslie helps entrepreneurs get over the fear of public speaking, camera shyness, and networking jitters.

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