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Unleash the Power Within: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

August 07, 20242 min read

Did you know as humans, we only have two innate fears - loud noises and falling. Mind-blowing, right? So that means every other fear we have is learned. That includes the oh-so-dreaded fear of public speaking. But guess what? It's time to conquer that fear!

Picture this: you're back in fifth grade, nervously delivering a book report when suddenly gasp the class bursts into laughter. From that moment on, standing up in front of a group became your worst nightmare. Or perhaps it was someone close to you who planted the seed of fear - like my friend whose grandma refused to fly and passed down her aviation anxiety.

Now here's the kicker: these stories or experiences shaped our beliefs about ourselves and our abilities. Our brains latch onto them as undeniable proof that we can't be good at something like public speaking. But hold on just one second!

Our brain loves evidence, but it doesn't always seek out all sides of the story. It fixates on whatever confirms our existing beliefs - even if they're holding us back from growth and success So how do we change this narrative?

We need new proof! Start by scouring your memories for instances where you successfully conquered public speaking fears before - whether it was nailing a short video presentation or giving an unforgettable toast at your best friend's wedding These are gems that show your brain YOU CAN DO IT!

It's no magic trick; it’s about rewiring those neural pathways in your brain By discovering and reworking those old stories that keep us stuck, we create space for new possibilities and confidence in our ability to speak with impact.

So take some time today to dig deep within yourself Unearth those buried stories that have been holding you hostage. And then, my friends, take steps to rewrite your narrative. It IS possible! Public speaking is a skill that can be honed and mastered.

Stay tuned for our next chat where we'll dive deeper into the art of public speaking and how to level up your skills ️ Remember, it's all about progress, not perfection!

#PublicSpeaking #ConquerYourFears #ProfessionalGrowth #ConfidenceBuilding

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Leslie C Fiorenzo

Leslie helps entrepreneurs get over the fear of public speaking, camera shyness, and networking jitters.

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