I'm Leslie C Fiorenzo

Business Presentation Coach

Present With Confidence – Grow Your Business

Mastering Self-Promotion

Promoting yourself is a challenge you face but your business depends on it. Overcome your hesitation by learning how to articulate yourself and what your business has to offer. Replace your uncertainties with strategies that showcase your expertise to an audience that aligns with your mission and goals.

Face Your Audience Fearlessly

Speaking about your business in public or on camera is a terrifying or anxious prospect. Banish this fear with techniques that manage your anxiety and present your ideas with clarity to unleash your true potential to connect and engage effectively while speaking to your audience, on or off camera.

Communicate Your Athenticity

Sharing your personal message is daunting, your self criticism makes you feel awkward and you worry about rambling. Structure your thoughts and ideas by building a positive self-image and embrace your authenticity. Develop a strong sense of self-assurance that allows you to deliver impactful and meaningful messages.

About Me

Early in my career I belonged to a businesswomen’s group, and they held a speaking contest. First prize was $100.  I entered, I prepared and was disappointed when I didn’t win first prize, I didn’t even place in the top 5!  A mentor of mine who was in the audience, gave me the following feedback: “You had a death grip on the podium, did you think it was going to run away?  You stumbled over your words and the two stories you told didn’t connect to the topic.” I was devastated.  It was all I could do to not cry on the way home in a car full of other women. But I was determined to conquer my fears, create stories that make an impact and craft a presentation that would wow the audience. Fast forward 10 years and my then employer sent me to present our safety program at an industry conference.  This time the prize was based on the impact of the program not the presentation, yet when people approached me afterward and gave me compliments on my delivery and the stories I shared; I knew I’d moved well beyond that timid young woman losing a speech contest years before.

Blue Print


Speaking Excellence


Transforming Your Inner Critic into Your Inner Advocate

Present With Confidence – Grow Your Business

Find Your Voice

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