
Navigating The Stress of Entrepreneurship

Rise Stronger: Unleashing the Power of Resilience

April 01, 20243 min read

Todays' story is about a small, seemingly insignificant moment that triggered a cascade of reflections on the challenges and solitudes of pursuing a dream.

The Solitary Mallard: A Symbol of Our Journey

This morning, as I hurried to the bank to make a deposit, I couldn't help but notice a lone male mallard in the parking lot. His forlorn appearance struck a chord with me. There he was, a solitary figure that seemed to be missing his companion, reminding me of the early days of my entrepreneurial journey.

Back in 2003, I found myself at a career crossroads when I was let go from a job. It was an uncertain time that presented an opportunity to take a product the company had launched and make it my own. Despite taking the leap, that venture did not pan out for various reasons. But there's a thread that connects that time in my life with the lonesome mallard I saw today. It's the feeling of isolation that often accompanies the creation of something new.

Fast forward to my recent venture, building a practice to help other coaches be confident in sharing their stories, I've realized that entrepreneurship is a path frequently walked in solitude. Yet, what I've learned—and what I hope to impart to you—is that reaching out for help can make all the difference. We may feel alone, but we don't have to be.

The Challenge of Seeking Help

Admitting we need assistance can be daunting. There's a vulnerability in acknowledging that we can't do it all by ourselves. But here's the thing: in today's world, there's a wealth of knowledge and experience just waiting to be tapped into. There are many who have already blazed trails to success, and their insights can guide us on our own journeys.

However, it's crucial to approach this with discernment. The marketplace is bustling with offers, courses, and services that promise to aid us on our path. Some of these are incredibly valuable, while others, not so much. So it's essential to sift through the noise and find what truly aligns with your needs and aspirations.

Staying the Course: Focus on Your Path

Let's talk about focus. I like to think of it as an acronym:

Follow One Course Until Successful.

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the multitude of messages and directions available to us. Staying focused requires discipline and the ability to stay true to our chosen path, even when distractions abound.

So, as we navigate the tumultuous waters of stress and uncertainty, let's take a leaf out of the mallard's book. He may be alone now, but his journey is far from over. He'll find his flock, his direction, and his purpose once again. And so will we. We just have to remember that help is out there, waiting for us to reach out and grasp it.

As I wrap up this post, I want to encourage each of you: don't let the stress of solitude hinder your progress. Seek the assistance you need, find the resources that resonate with you, and move forward with confidence toward your version of speaking excellence.

Remember, the lone mallard in the parking lot is more than just a bird—it's a reminder that even in our most isolated moments, we are not truly alone in our endeavors. There's a community, a mentor, or a friend who can help guide us back to our path. All we have to do is reach out.

Until next time, keep your wings spread and your eyes on the horizon.

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Leslie C Fiorenzo

Leslie helps entrepreneurs get over the fear of public speaking, camera shyness, and networking jitters.

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